Time Formats
NOTE: Two different standards are used, one for onboard marketing (including Cruise Compass), and another for general, daily marketing purposes. Please consult examples below.
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. | 1:45 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
8 a.m. – Noon | 10 p.m. to Midnight | 6 p.m. – Late
from noon to midnight | noon to late
- Insert one space after the time. Lower case a.m. and p.m. with periods as punctuation. One space before and one space after dash.
- Do not use :00 to express the top of the hour
4:00 p.m.Use 4 p.m. - Do not use 12 a.m. for midnight or 12 p.m. for noon.
Midnight (midnight) and Noon (noon) are always spelled out. Upper or lower case depends on usage.
Midnight, Noon, and Late are always capitalized when used with a numeric time: 8 p.m. – Midnight | 7 a.m. – Noon | 10 a.m. – Late
But midnight, noon, and late are not capitalized when time is spelled out or when mentioning a 12-hour time range:
…available from ten until noon …from noon to midnight … open from from noon to late …
…please send by midnight …pick up tickets at noon…
10:00 am – 6:00 pm | 1:45 pm – 3:50 pm
8:00 pm – Midnight | 10:00 am – Noon | from noon to midnight
or 10:00 am – Late
- Insert one space after the time. Lower case am and pm with no punctuation. One space before and one space after dash.
- Use :00 to express the top of the hour, as in 2:00 pm
- Do not use 12:00 am for midnight or 12:00 pm for noon.
Midnight (midnight) and Noon (noon) are always spelled out. Upper or lower case depends on usage.
Midnight, Noon, and Late are always capitalized when used with a numeric time:
8:00 pm – Midnight | 7:00 am – Noon | 10 am – Late
But midnight, noon, and late are not capitalized when time is spelled out or when mentioning a 12-hour time range:
…available from ten until noon …from noon to midnight … open from from noon to late …
…please send by midnight …pick up tickets at noon…